
We here at Urban Stay London serviced apartments, like to consider ourselves at the forefront of the business use of modern social networking.  Our brand and our message is most effectively communicated across the digital platform as it reaches the most audience while retaining an undiluted vision of company culture, values, and purpose.  For us it is more than just a Google+ or Facebook page.  Sure, a YouTube channel is great, and the requisite LinkedIn profile showcases our professionalism while the aforementioned sites provide a bit more of a personal touch; but one site in particular has really caught our attention: Pinterest.

Urban Stay was born in The City of London, and our roots here run deep.  We’ve danced in Elephant & Castle, sang songs in Angel, were spectators in Notting Hill, and have grinded our teeth in The City.  Up, down, and all around, we’ve explored the hidden depths of London and climbed to the highest vantage points.  When it comes to London short-stay City rentals then of course we have the knowledge, but in addition to this our home, this capital of capital cities, has some wondrous treasures to explore and discover and we now have the perfect platform to share them with our guests.  Thus, amongst all of the typical tourist attractions that everyone knows about we’ve begun to compile a selection of our absolute favourite spots in London.  Think of this as the ultimate insider’s tip, and it’s only available via our Pinterest page!  Say what you will about the rise of social media, but we here at Urban Stay love how it connects us to the people that matter most: the guests we host in our London serviced apartments.  So welcome!  Log in, explore, and enjoy.  When you think London we hope you think: Urban Stay.